1) Two selections from Memory of the Prose Machine, by Sandra Doller in Coconut Magazine: http://www.coconutpoetry.org/dollers1.html
"Where are my things? The
fossil of my watching?"
2) "N & K" by Gina Myers via Poetry.org: http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/23248
"this is one
of them, one
of the best days."
3) "My Job" by Dolly Lemke in B O D Y: http://bodyliterature.com/2012/12/18/dolly-lemke/
"I definitely get the passion, Boss says
It’s like golf
Poetry = golf
4) These three poems by BJ Love in ILK Journal: http://ilkjournal.com/journal/issue-six/bj-love/
"but love is a tough fucking shell
to crack and yet, here I am, my arms
in that shape that lets you know I
want you, my heart, a million little
scurries scuttling right towards you."
5) "In Love with You," by Kenneth Koch via the Poetry Foundation: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poem/15850
"What glues our heads together? O midnight! O midnight!
Is love what we are,
Or has happiness come to me in a private car
That’s so very small I’m amazed to see it there?"
6) "The People Across the Street," by Ted Gilley in Rattle #38: http://www.rattle.com/poetry/print/30s/i38/
7) "They're There," by Frederick Seidel (one of my fave poets) in Boston Review: http://www.bostonreview.net/BR37.5/frederick_seidel_poem.php
"Everyone is wearing summer light.
They can't tell wrong from right."
8) "Suicide Is Painless," by Michael Robbins, also in Boston Review: http://www.bostonreview.net/BR37.2/michael_robbins_poem
"The child’s toy poses a choking hazard.
The child, too. Life’s a natural disaster."
9) "Toast" by Leonard Nathan via The Writer's Almanac: http://writersalmanac.publicradio.org/index.php?date=2004/02/10
"Love, whoever you are,
your courage was my companion
for many cold towns"
10) "Waiting for This Story to End Before I Begin Another," by Jan Heller Levi via the Poetry Foundation: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/245058
"All my stories are about being left,
all yours about leaving. So we should have known.
Should have known to leave well enough alone;"
And I probably violated some form of copyright there. But if I did, and you are one of the
poets/publications above, just know that I did it all for love. And I'll remove it if, you know,
(SIGH) it's a problem.
It's not a problem, & you quoted just a few lines, so I think you're safe. ("Is" should be capitalized in my title, but it's really not a big deal.) Thanks for reading. - Michael Robbins
ReplyDeleteFor a former English teacher, I am a shoddy copy editor. Fixed. Thanks for stopping by!